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Natural, science backed ways to lose weight permanently are something that actually does exist! Scrape away all the hype and dig down deep into what science really knows about permanent weight loss and you will be astonished. That’s exactly what we did for this report and you’re going to be amazed at what we found.

Here we bring you 18 simple ways to lose weight permanently, that are all backed by scientific studies. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or dig through each study page by page. We’ve done all the work for you and here is what we found.

1. Natural Supplements That Can Help

Both Glucomannan and Garcinia Cambogia are scientifically proven to help you lose weight. They are made from pure plant extracts that are shown to provide a host of natural nutrients and they also include essential dietary fibers.

These supplements will help you to feel full for longer by lengthening the digestion time in your stomach. They also reduce the absorption of proteins and fats, while helping beneficial gut bacteria to flourish.

2. Add Protein to Your Diet

Protein is the king of all nutrients for long term weight loss, energy, and strength. While digesting protein your body burns a lot of calories. This gives your metabolism a temporary boost. Protein also contains the building blocks for muscle and more muscle means higher metabolism for the long run.

A high protein meal will make you feel full for a longer period and it will reduce your appetite. Remember that high protein does not mean all protein. Just trade some sugar or empty carbs, like crackers and toast, for extra protein.

Leafy greens have protein and a huge amount of other nutrients. It’s been shown that just one cup of leafy greens per day can lengthen your life by as much as 10 years!

3. Eat Single Ingredient Foods

One of the simplest ways to eat healthy and lose weight naturally is to eat single ingredient foods. Eating mostly whole foods, will keep you away from most processed foods. This removes nearly all empty calories and addictive sugar and salt from your diet. Processed foods and drinks are the main culprits in unwanted weight gain.

Whole foods are naturally filling and will make it much easier to limit your calorie intake. A diet that includes a lot of whole foods provides your body with the essential nutrients required for proper functioning and limits empty calories without requiring any special effort.

4. Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is not as difficult as you may think, and it has been scientifically proven to have many great benefits. Intermittent fasting is simply an eating pattern that cycles your digestive system. There are different ways to fast intermittently so you can choose the one that works best for you and your lifestyle.

Fasting for one day each week or for only 18 hours every other day are just two of the possible eating patterns. These patterns of intermittent fasting cause you to eat fewer calories and allow your body to reset the digestive system.

One of the best things about intermittent fasting is that you don’t have to think about eating or dieting at all while you are in the fasting mode. Our digestive systems were never meant to be full of food all the time. They need that recycle time to stay in good health, so fasting is a great way to keep excess weight down.

5. Track Your Calories

Installing an app in your cell phone can help you track the number of calories you consume. Knowing the number of calories, you have already eaten before mealtime, can make meal choices a lot easier. Overall calories must be kept within limits for most diets and tracking apps make it much easier.

Maintaining a written food diary or taking pictures of everything you eat throughout the day are two alternate methods If you don’t like the cell phone idea. Being mindful of what you eat Is the key to any diet and making it easy will help you make it a lasting change.

6. Add Eggs to Your Diet

In secret number two, we said that high protein foods can reduce your appetite, keep you full for longer and improve your metabolism. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, low in calories, and they are loaded with essential nutrients. Boiled eggs are inexpensive, pocket-friendly, and easy to cook.

According to scientific studies eating eggs for breakfast can improve weight loss up to 60% over the course of 8 weeks as compared to eating cereals and bagels for breakfast. Eggs are the ultimate weight loss food and there is even an entire weight loss program based on them. You can check it out here at LA Health Journal.

7. Eat More Fiber, Little by Little

Fiber will ultimately make you eat less in a very natural way, without any extra effort on your part. It is known to help stabilize blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and is associated with a reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and all cancers.

Foods that are rich in water-soluble fiber can be especially helpful for weight loss because they make you feel full for a longer period. It delays the stomach emptying process and promotes the release of hormones that tell your brain that you have had enough. Some good sources of soluble fiber are apples, oats, peas, beans, citrus fruits, carrots, barley, and psyllium.

You should always be extra cautious while increasing the fiber in your diet. It should be done gradually to avoid abdominal discomfort like cramps, diarrhea, and bloating. Give your body time to adjust its performance and you’ll feel great, improve your health, and cut calories at the same time.

8. Drink Water… the Right Way!

There are three ways to use water for weight loss and one way to avoid. Water can really help you to lose weight naturally if you time it properly. Drinking a big glass of water about a half hour before your meal will reduce your hunger and make you eat less. Then, about an hour or hour and one half after your meal drink another big glass of water to help your body burn 24-30% more calories than it would otherwise.

The third way to use water for weight loss is to replace sugar-loaded beverages like soda and processed fruit and vegetable juices with water. The processed juices may have nutrients in them but that doesn’t even come close to offsetting the damage they do to your body.

You should avoid drinking with meals. Avoid drinking any beverage with your meals, because it will dilute your stomach acid and interfere with proper digestion. If you drink water about a half hour before your meal, you will have the proper hydration to produce saliva and stomach acid properly. This will keep you from needing to wash your food down as you eat.

9. Your Body Needs Cardio Activity

You don’t need to spend hours in a gym, all we are asking is that you include some cardio into your life. This could be jogging, cycling, power walking, hiking, or anything that gets your heart rate up. All these activities are excellent for burning calories while improving your physical and mental health. It has been shown that adding 30 minutes of Cardio to your everyday routine can significantly reduce your body weight and decrease your risk of heart disease.

10. Control Your Kitchen and Pantry

Studies have shown that our weight and our eating behavior are usually consistent with the types of food that we keep in our kitchen and pantry. No surprise there but stop and think about it for a second. What if, in a moment of weakness we simply couldn’t find our unhealthy food?

By always having healthy food available, and not having unhealthy food anywhere in the house, you greatly increase the chances of staying on your diet. So, shop carefully and always feed yourself well before you go to the store. You want to kill those cravings before you shop. If you can resist buying it, you won’t have to try to resist eating it when you get home.

11. Secrets to Minimizing Sugar

Unhealthy weight gain and all major diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer are linked to eating a lot of added sugar. The average person in the US eats about 8 tablespoons of added sugar each day, mostly without realizing it. You can find it hidden in nearly all processed foods, so you are probably getting a lot more sugar than you realize.

Since sugar goes by many names in ingredient lists, it can be difficult to figure out how much sugar a product contains. Sugar could be referred to as cane crystals, cane sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, crystal dextrose, evaporated cane juice, fructose sweetener, anhydrous dextrose, brown sugar, fruit juice concentrates,... and these are just the common ones.

Try to eliminate as many processed foods and juices from your diet. Start with the ones that appear to contain the most sugar.

12. Black coffee is weight loss friendly!

In clinical testing, coffee has proven to be a healthy beverage that is loaded with antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. Since Black Coffee can make you feel full, while it contains almost no calories, it’s a great tool for weight loss.

Drinking coffee supports weight loss by increasing your energy levels and the number of calories your body burns. Caffeinated coffee (black) can boost your metabolism by as much as 10% and it appears to be able to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by nearly 50%.

13. Liquid Calories and Weight Loss

Your brain does not register liquid calories in the same way that it does solid calories. Liquid calories come from the things you drink like fruit juices, sugary soft drinks, chocolate milk, and energy drinks. They are not filling and because of added sodium they tend to make you drink even more than you would otherwise.

Studies have showed a 60% increase in the risk of obesity among children, for each daily serving of a sugar-sweetened beverage they consume. These sweetened drinks are addictive and can train your mind to avoid water. The added calories and a lack of water is a deadly combination for the human body and any weight loss program.

14. The Secret to a Successful Low Carb Diet

Many studies have confirmed the fact that a low carb diet can be remarkably effective in reducing weight. Limiting your carb intake and increasing your protein intake reduces your appetite and helps you to eat fewer calories.

Eating a low carb diet can make your weight loss 3 times faster as compared to a standard low-fat diet. But there is a trick to it. You want to cut processed carbs, not complex carbs! It is critical to your diet, and your health, to eat plenty of complex carbs. The most important ones being leafy greens.

15. Probiotics

Studies have shown that overweight and obese people tend to have different gut bacteria than normal-weight people. Probiotics are live bacteria that have health benefits when taken as a supplement. They can improve digestive health, heart health, and weight loss.

Probiotics can be purchased at your local health food store. Taking a good quality general probiotic supplement has been shown to help regulate the healthy gut bacteria and make improving your diet easier. Taking probiotics can also improve the flavor sensation of healthy foods, while reducing appetite and inflammation.

16. Getting enough sleep

Studies have shown clearly that sleep-deprived people are up to 55% more likely to become overweight, and this percentage is even higher for children. Sleep deprivation disrupts the daily fluctuations in appetite hormones, leading to poor appetite regulation and sometimes appetite runaway!

Getting enough sleep is incredibly important for weight loss, and to prevent weight gain. You need to strive for 8 or 9 hours each night to maintain a healthy weight.

When you need sleep and deny yourself that sleep, your body can express that need for sleep as a runaway hunger. The problem is compounded by the fact that no matter how much you eat you will still be hungry. The only way to stop this type of hunger is to sleep!

17. Brushing and Flossing?

If you brush and floss after eating, you may be less tempted to grab an unnecessary snack later-on. This is a great habit to get into because it can help limit the desire to snack or eat between meals. Brushing and flossing take time and most of us tend to be a bit lazy, so we won’t want to do it again just for a cookie.

18. Power Pick Your Diet

The first step is to choose a diet plan that is not too strict for you and your lifestyle. That will take a little research and you don’t want to take the first new diet with big promises that you see. You know what I am talking about. We’ve all jumped in too deep too fast and regretted it later.

Some diets have strict limits on carbs, protein, fat, or anything that’s colored white. But if we really want to lose weight for the long-term, then we must be able to live in a world where moderation is key and reasonable limits are just that, reasonable. So, take the time to do some research and remember that the biggest power in any diet is your ability to stay on it!

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